What is Ethervista?

Summary: Ethervista is an evolution of Pump.fun on Ethereum, offering a decentralized exchange that boosts token launch security with a 5-day liquidity lock and native ETH fee structure. 

The protocol enforces deflationary tokenomics on its native token, $VISTA, continuously burning supply to drive value appreciation.

What is Ethervista?

Ethervista is a decentralized exchange (DEX) on the Ethereum blockchain that introduces innovative features designed to improve the security and sustainability of token launches and liquidity management. Unlike traditional AMMs, Ethervista charges swap fees in native ETH and enforces a 5-day liquidity lock for new token projects.

This new mechanism is designed to prevent premature liquidity withdrawals, reducing the risk of rug pulls and creating a more stable environment for meme coins and new launches. Ethervista is being regarded as the Pump.fun equivalent for the Ethereum ecosystem, and is touted to spur a new wave of meme coin and onchain activity on mainnet.

What is EtherVista?

How Does Ethervista Work?

Based on our testing in deploying a meme coin and a review of Ethervista's whitepaper, here's how the Ethervista protocol and smart contract design works:

  • Liquidity Configuration: When liquidity is added, the provider assumes the role of "Creator," gaining control over pool parameters like fees, protocol addresses, and metadata. A mandatory five-day lock on liquidity is enforced to prevent early withdrawals, mitigating the risk of rug pulls.
  • Native ETH Fee Structure: Ethervista charges swap fees in native ETH, which are distributed between liquidity providers and token creators. These fees can also be converted into permanently locked liquidity, effectively raising the price floor of tokens over time.
  • $VISTA Tokenomics: $VISTA, the platform’s native token, is deflationary with a fixed supply of 1 million tokens. Each transaction triggers an on-chain burn event, decreasing the circulating supply and gradually increasing the token’s price floor.
  • Reward Mechanism: The platform utilizes an Euler-based sequence to calculate rewards for liquidity providers, ensuring that rewards are proportionally distributed based on liquidity stakes, preventing any potential manipulation.
  • Comprehensive DeFi Features: Ethervista is expanding its offerings to include fee-less flash loans, futures, and lending services. The platform also integrates SuperChat, a tiered communication tool based on $VISTA holdings, enhancing user engagement.

This technical framework positions Ethervista as a robust, security-focused DEX within the DeFi ecosystem.

How Does EtherVista Work

VISTA Tokenomics

$VISTA is a deflationary token with a fixed supply of 1 million, engineered for value appreciation over time. Each transaction on the Ethervista platform triggers an on-chain burn, though the exact burn amount isn't specified in the available documentation. This burn process reduces the circulating supply, incrementally raising the token's price floor and incentivizing holders to retain their tokens as scarcity increases.

Notably, within the first three days of its launch, Ethervista has already burned 2.17% of $VISTA’s total supply. With its supply permanently capped and continuously decreasing through burns, $VISTA’s value is driven by scarcity, effectively aligning the interests of all participants in the ecosystem.

VISTA Tokenomics

Is Ethervista Safe?

While Ethervista has quickly gained traction as a decentralized exchange, it’s important to note that the protocol is still new, and its smart contracts remain unaudited. This lack of a formal audit introduces potential risks, as any vulnerabilities in the code could be exploited. 

To that end, while the platform offers innovative features and a promising roadmap, users should approach with caution. 

Bottom Line

Ethervista is making waves in DeFi on Ethereum mainnet, offering a fresh take on token launches, akin to pump.fun, with built-in safeguards against rug pulls. By integrating $VISTA’s deflationary tokenomics directly into its platform, it adds value to holders through continuous token burns, aligning user incentives with the platform’s growth.

However, it’s still new and unaudited, so there are risks involved. If you’re curious, start small, and keep an eye on how it evolves. It has potential, but caution is key right now.