Summary: Base provides an efficient and affordable entry into the Ethereum ecosystem for both developers and blockchain enthusiasts. Via Ethereum-compatible wallets such as MetaMask, users can readily acquire testnet tokens for Base's Layer 2 network. These tokens, essential for testing smart contracts and decentralized applications, are available through several faucets like Quicknode and the Coinbase Base Faucet.

Best Crypto Faucet
5.0 out of 5.0 by Datawallet

QuickNode stands out as the best overall faucet due to its extensive multi-chain support, high daily token allocations, and user-friendly interface, making it ideal for diverse blockchain development needs.

Supported Faucets

Ethereum, Optimism, BNB Chain, Arbitrum, Polygon + 10 more.


24/7 support team for developers and users.


0 fees to acquire testnet tokens.

Can I Get Base Testnet Tokens?

Yes, acquiring Base testnet tokens is possible and free for developers and users. First, ensure you have an Ethereum-compatible wallet like Metamask. Once your wallet is ready, link it to the Base Layer 2 network. Next, find a well-respected faucet approved by the Base community. These testnet tokens are crucial for developers keen on testing smart contracts, as well as individuals curious about the decentralized applications hosted on the Base platform.

How to Get Base Testnet Tokens

To get Coinbase Base testnet tokens (Base Goerli Testnet), you should use the Quicknode Faucet. This reliable service allows any Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-compatible wallet to connect and receive tokens in your Base wallet address. These tokens can be used for testing transactions or initiating new contracts on the network. Here’s a simple guide:

  1. Connect Wallet: Visit the Quicknode Base Faucet site and link your MetaMask wallet.
  2. Select Chain: Choose 'Base' as the chain where you want to receive testnet tokens.
  3. Confirm Request: Click 'Continue'. Optionally, tweet about Quicknode to get double tokens.
  4. Complete Transaction: Approve the transaction and the tokens will be sent to your wallet, usually within a few minutes.
Get Base Testnet Tokens

What is the Base Testnet Faucet Limit?

Quicknode's faucet offers 0.01 ETH every 4 hours. For those seeking to maximize their collection of testnet ETH on Base, utilizing various faucets, such as the official Coinbase faucet, is a beneficial approach. This method enables users to accumulate more testnet tokens by tapping into the diverse range of available faucets.

Does Coinbase Offer a Base Faucet?

Coinbase offers a Base Faucet for testnet tokens, but it's exclusively accessible to Coinbase Wallet users. If you use MetaMask or another wallet, unfortunately, you won't be eligible to receive testnet tokens via the Coinbase Base Faucet. This limitation may present an inconvenience for users who opt for non-Coinbase wallets, possibly due to security or privacy preferences.

About Base

Base is an Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) solution tailored for developers, making Ethereum more accessible and affordable. It stands as a secure, cost-effective platform anchored in Ethereum's solid security framework, supporting any Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) codebase. Base integrates smoothly with Ethereum Layer 1, Coinbase, and other compatible chains. Powered by Optimism's OP Stack and backed by Coinbase infrastructure, Base seeks to enhance the mainstream adoption of blockchain technology, providing an efficient and scalable environment for decentralized applications.


Bottom Line

In conclusion, acquiring Base testnet tokens is straightforward and accessible, primarily through using the Quicknode Faucet and various other approved faucets if you're looking to gather more. While Coinbase provides a dedicated faucet, it's only available to those using the Coinbase Wallet. This process allows developers to test smart contracts effectively and lets individuals explore decentralized applications on the Base platform.